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If you've been on Matrix for while, you may have noticed the considerable drop in quality of newfags, you aren't alone.
The average OOB Matrix user has devolved significantly in the past few years, from a 8fag/techfag, to a chanfag. This has had innumerable negative consequences on the quality of users and rooms on Matrix.
There is nothing of value on Matrix for newfags without a referral, Matrix has speedran IRC syndrome. If you were directed to wiki:newfriends or wiki:newfriends, you should either use your own brain to figure out how to use Matrix, or go back to Discord, where you belong.
Matrix is not a “privacy-focused” or “secure” messaging platform. If you were intending to use Matrix with the expectation of privacy, you should use Session or Delta Chat instead.
If you are being directed to Matrix with the implication that you can avoid “feds” or “glowies”, then whoever is directing you in is most likely a fed themselves. If you want to fedpost or call in bomb threats due to schizophrenic delusions, do it elsewhere.
Matrix is not a private protocol, it is akin to Bitcoin, where every single transaction you make is fully traceable and permanently stored. Matrix is not a secure protocol either, as has been proven from the incompetence of the various OLM implementations written by the Matrix Foundation.
Newfags should not be blindly directed to Matrix without a thorough understand of how the Matrix protocol works. The Matrix resources provided by the Glowers Wiki have ultimately done more harm than good, since nobody seems to read far enough to get to the various disclaimers regarding Matrix's security and privacy claims.
If you are still looking for a good resource to show new Matrix users, then here's a list: