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Matrix (also known as: gaytricks, morg) is not only a public matrix homeserver, but the official homeserver of the matrix protocol, similar to how is the official instance of mastodon, and also similar in the regard that both of them are filled with trannys, sjws and all other myriads of insufferable anti-fun people. You will find no joy in actually conversing with the matrix users their only use to us and like minded individuals is a quick lol when you're bored and feel like calling someone a nigger faggot.
The homeserver was founded in 2014 alongside the [matrix] protocol.
Travis (powerword: Faggis) is the jannie of, you can often find Travis in his mothers basement (not to be confused with fuckjuice's basement) monitoring all official rooms for hate speech, naughty words and funny jokes. Unlike most jannies, Travis is actually paid for being one. This minimum wage paycheck undoubtedly goes towards his hotpocket addiction.
Faggis is the main jannie behind the jewery that pulls, mainly because he's too much of a pussy to janny up rooms himself.
Matthew is a disgruntled, overweight female-to-male tranny that assists in the development of the autistic spectrum and Element (formerly Riot), you can often find matthew also arguing with one of fuckjuice's or the other glowers throwaway accounts in
During the fallout of the worlds most dedicated australian shitposter, faggis and mattjew got scared that they might attract unwanted attention. As a result, they directed their jannying beam at the large collection of chanrooms that existed on matrix. OE's /tech/ and /a/nime rooms were shutdown, as well as the 200acres /rdp/. This shoah also effected numerous smaller rooms